Welcome to Niwaki Nursery! Your online Bonsai Store.
Welcome to Niwaki Nursery! Your online Bonsai Store.
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Niwaki Nursery is a family owned nursery based out the Pacific Northwest. Our goal is to make Bonsai plant material accessible to everyone new and old to the hobby.
With so many nurseries that have closed in the last decade, including the beloved Bonsai NW , which has been staple in the Seattle area for the past 35yrs, it is more important than ever to support small businesses like ours. Our goal is to drive the art Bonsai forward. We hope that you support us in this effort.
We are constantly working to stock up on our inventory of Bonsai material as well as specimen plants. Please contact us about consignment of you Bonsai trees. niwakinursery@yahoo.com
Thank you John for your 35 years of bonsai service to the Seattle Area.